Lauren (known on trail as Woodchuck) and Henri (known on trail as Rooster) de la Vega are licensed New York State Outdoor Guides and long distance backpackers. Together, they have hiked the Appalachian Trail (2016), Pacific Crest Trail (2017), and the Continental Divide Trail (2021), with Henri also completing the Florida Trail (2022). The combined 15,000+ miles of thru-hiking they’ve experienced, along with canoe trips, day hikes, and nature connection practices has afforded them a well-rounded idea of the many ways to be in nature. It has also fueled their passion to guide others on outdoor experiences that are fitting to their needs.

Lauren and Henri are both volunteer outdoor leaders for Another Summit, a program that provides outdoor adventures to veterans, first responders and their families. They are also both volunteer members of the Cold Spring Fire Company, which is responsible for backcountry rescue in their community.

In addition to WMGA and their volunteer work, you can find Henri and Lauren in the backcountry guiding for other outfits, including Destination Backcountry Adventures, Girl Gotta Hike, and Upstate Adventure Guides.

Lauren de la vega

When she’s not on her own adventures or guiding groups, Lauren is an art therapist, writer and visual artist. She believes that nature is a powerful space for our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing, and that creativity and the natural world go hand-in-hand. This belief has led her to become a certified Ecotherapist, as well as co-leading monthly mindfulness hikes.

henri de la vega

When Henri isn’t thru-hiking or guiding, he is enjoys fly fishing and traditional woodworking. Henri has a background in horticulture, which affords him a naturalist approach to exploring the backcountry, taking time to identify and share his knowledge of flora, fauna, and the many stories hidden within the landscape.